除了无损预测市场,Diviner Protocol 还将推出各种小游戏,提升用户的上瘾性,满足他们多样化的需求。 此外,游戏可以使预测更好玩。 We will launch a play-to-earn game after the prediction game, users can join prediction earn $DPT. and use $DPT to join the p2e game to hire heroes and join challenges to earn more. we are also contacting many different game guilds to PUSH the p2e game. The new Play-to-earn game expect to launch in December. 我们将在预测游戏结束后推出玩赢游戏,用户可以加入预测赚取$DPT。 并使用 $DPT 加入 p2e 游戏以雇用英雄并加入挑战以赚取更多。 我们也在联系许多不同的游戏公会来推动 p2e 游戏。 新的 Play-to-earn 游戏预计将于 12 月推出。 5. Diviner Harbour City是否就是Diviner的元宇宙?我们可以在这个城市里获得什么?有哪些独一无二的玩法呢? Is Diviner Harbour City the Metaverse of Diviner? What can we get in this city? What are the unique ways to play? Diviner Harbour City is the metaverse of Diviner Protocol. In this metaverse, Diviner Protocol builds and integrates all kinds of products to bring users a much better game experience. It includes but is not limited to: Diviner Harbour City 是 Diviner Protocol 的虚拟世界。 在这个元宇宙中,Diviner Protocol 构建并整合了各种产品,为用户带来更好的游戏体验。 它包括但不限于: Prediction House Game House Farm House Social Finance Bank Market Launchpad 预测屋 游戏屋 农舍 社会金融 银行 市场 发射台 …and so on… Users can log in with their addresses, and show up as characters on the street, and they can select the building they want to walk in so that they can enjoy different products. You can check our demo here: https://demo-metaverse.diviner.me/ Also, can check details about each building in the metaverse: https://docs.diviner.me/metaverse …等等… 用户可以用自己的地址登录,在街上以人物形象出现,还可以选择自己想走进的建筑,享受不同的产品。 您可以在此处查看我们的演示:https://demo-metaverse.diviner.me/ 此外,可以查看元节中每个建筑物的详细信息:https://docs.diviner.me/metaverse ![]() 6. 我们如何通过Diviner Protocol来到达玩就赚的目的? How do we use Diviner Protocol to achieve the purpose of earning by playing? Lossless prediction game: the 1st game in diviner metaverse, users just need to stake assets to join prediction, and can earn triple rewards. Demo: https://demo-metaverse.diviner.me/ (责任编辑:admin) |