投资面向C端的产品和创始人是需要一定专业的。了解底层基础设施,了解整个网络中的人是被何种模式激励的,以及消费者建设者必须通过工作来解决的各种选择的优点和缺点,是很有意义的。但我认为建立了持久的C端投资策略的风险投资公司,拥有属于独特的经验,也是非常专业的,这些经验在Web3时代也会非常有意义。虽然我专注于web3,但我承认我还没有去研究关于协议层面的加密技术。(I also think that investing in consumer-facing products and founders is its own specialty. And it‘s useful to understand the underlying infrastructure and understand how people in the network are being incentivized and motivated and the pluses and minuses of the various options that consumer builders have to work through to figure out. BUT at the end of the day, I think the experience of a firm that has built enduring consumer companies is its own specialized discipline that’s going to be more and more relevant in this new web3 world. It‘s why though I’m focused on web3, I‘m confess that I’m not focused on crypto at the protocol level.) 记者:(开个玩笑)你不会离开Benchmark去成立自己的基金吧? Sarah Tavel:机构需要推出以加密赛道为重点的基金的部分原因是,当他们在协议层面投资和购买Token时,这些在技术上是一种被动层面的投资,因此必须进行新的注册。(Part of the reason why people have to launch crypto focused funds is that when they are investing in the protocol level and buying tokens, my understanding is that those are technically a passive investment, so thats why you have to register) 对于传统的风投基金,只有一定比例的基金允许存在这个类型的投资,一旦超过这个门槛,你必须单独成立加密基金。 Benchmark的模式是,我们把与创业公司进行合作的模式看作是我们的产品,所以我们主要投资的方向是那些必须建立组织、雇用人员和创造经验的创业公司类别。 记者:如果有更多的公司开始从事Token交易,Benchmark是否会在某个时候重组为一个RIA? Sarah Tavel:这是当然是通往加密赛道的重要桥梁,如果我们最终不得不成立,我们会的。但是目前还不清楚这是否是Benchmark必须要走的一条路。 (责任编辑:admin) |