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那个曾持有 730 个 CryptoPunks 的匿名收藏大咖如何看 NFT 的价值? (3)

时间:2021-08-30 10:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
话虽如此,我们正在谈论的是足以改变我和家人生活的一笔财富。这意味着,将我的一部分 CryptoPunks 卖给比我实力更雄厚的大佬,是现实的选择,对生态

话虽如此,我们正在谈论的是足以改变我和家人生活的一笔财富。这意味着,将我的一部分 CryptoPunks 卖给比我实力更雄厚的大佬,是现实的选择,对生态系统有利,并且符合我的另一个区块链格言:当你坐享 100 倍收益时,至少卖掉一些。对于 CryptoPunks,没有人比我拥有更大的利益。也许除了三个外星人。但我的利益依赖于价格上涨、更广阔的市场和资金大佬的参与。在不久的将来,我们会在博物馆和拍卖行看到这些 CryptoPunks。此外,我有一份不错的工作,也没有债务。


验证信息 —

  "address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647",
  "msg": "3 | Whats stopping you from dumping your Punks for millions now?\n\nBack in 2011 I bought $2000 worth of bitcoin at round $16 and sold a year later to use the money for rent. Those would have been worth $4 Million today and I will never make this mistake again. NFTs are early days, hell blockchain is early days. We think it is huge due to our bubbles that play back to us what we put into them, but $1 trillion combined market cap is a small percentage of where this will go. The value of all the gold in the world alone is 10x that. The name of the game is HODL. ",
"sig": "0xc5b1360055c5ba55fcafec7b252150daf008d94b21f562d2ad5674917452eaf3589a67fbabe97ac893cb87d85b8ea1577fec6386e0e23ff39c2a564e14ccaa8c1c",
  "version": "2"

  "address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647",
  "msg": "That being said, we are talking life changing wealth for me and my family. This means, selling a portion of my punks to stronger hands than me will be the realistic option, good for the ecosystem and in line with another blockchain maxim of mine: when you are sitting on 100x gains sell at least some. No individual has a bigger stake in this than me. Except maybe the three alien guy. But my interest lies in rising prices, a broader market and strong hodl hands. We will see these in museums and auction houses in the not too distant future. In addition I have a good job and am debt free. Why dump this treasure?",
"sig": "0xc3afc662badb8201a94ebcd9b02ea85434bc0426b579f0fa75afec9df0f614d63819290ffd925376c28888163f734299033331e35bfa8c69712d546207f1638f1c",
  "version": "2"

4 | 您认为 NFT 未来五年将取得怎样的发展?

Mr.703:届时看到重量级艺术家在区块链上发布作品,我不会感到惊讶。NFT 会在苏富比和佳士得拍卖。NFT 会进驻主要画廊和博物馆。这个预测显而易见。

在此之前,大多数机构可能会嘲笑它是一种时尚,而不是真正的艺术。类似于马蒂斯、毕加索和雷诺阿早年遭遇的说法。只有阿尔伯特·巴恩斯(Albert Barnes)这样独具慧眼的收藏家才能明白——不能指望每个人都有这样的慧眼。会经过 5 年还是 10 年? 短期预测几乎是不可能的——长期来看是非常明确的。 (责任编辑:admin)

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