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那个曾持有 730 个 CryptoPunks 的匿名收藏大咖如何看 NFT 的价值? (4)

时间:2021-08-30 10:41来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
验证信息 — {   "address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647",   "msg": "4 | In the next 5 years, where do you see NFTs going?\n\nIt would not surprise me to see major artists relea

验证信息 —

  "address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647",
  "msg": "4 | In the next 5 years, where do you see NFTs going?\n\nIt would not surprise me to see major artists releasing work on the blockchain. NFTs in Sotheby’s and Christi’s. Major galleries and museums. That is a fairly easy prediction. Before that the majority of the establishment is probably going to deride it as a fad, not real art. Similar to what has been said about Matisse, Picasso and Renoir in their - early - time. You have to be an Albert Barnes to get it - cannot expect that from everybody. Will it be 5 or 10 years? Short term predictions are near impossible - long term the view is clear.",
"sig": "0xe6d153ceda376a36a5e66d235670c4501b8bb08bede638df27bb78397565562a4c5263bf00cb14c3683088f9489c453f0661e8f3dabf0f40238901fbde573e4a1c",
  "version": "2"

那个曾持有 730 个 CryptoPunks 的匿名收藏大咖如何看 NFT 的价值?

5 | NFT 今年刚刚开始爆发,我们看到很多有影响力的人进入 NFT 领域,而因为 CryptoPunks 是原创,你认为人们会继续对其投资吗?

Mr.703:在我自己了解的现实发展进度的很短时间内,似乎已经看到一些相对较大的资金投入到 CryptoPunks 和其他 NFT 项目中。 CryptoPunks 作为第一个 NFT 项目,其历史地位是独一无二的。我认为这就是 Flamingo DAO 所说的「溯源有价值」的意思。这是一个非常简单的概念:谁是第一个? 谁是第一个独自飞越大西洋的人?

就是这样——谁是第二个? 没人在乎。我敢肯定,当时第二个独自飞越大西洋的人和第一个独自飞跃大西洋的 Charles Lindberg 一样登上了几乎同样多的头条新闻,但时间侵蚀了这一点,最后人们记忆中剩下的就是第一个。 你可以去查查谁是第三个登上月球上或珠穆朗玛峰上的人,但这类东西头部极其重要,在艺术中,这反映在价格上,NFT 也是如此。

验证信息 —

  "address": "0x577eBC5De943e35cdf9ECb5BbE1f7D7CB6c7C647",
  "msg": "4 | In the next 5 years, where do you see NFTs going?\n\nIt would not surprise me to see major artists releasing work on the blockchain. NFTs in Sotheby’s and Christi’s. Major galleries and museums. That is a fairly easy prediction. Before that the majority of the establishment is probably going to deride it as a fad, not real art. Similar to what has been said about Matisse, Picasso and Renoir in their - early - time. You have to be an Albert Barnes to get it - cannot expect that from everybody. Will it be 5 or 10 years? Short term predictions are near impossible - long term the view is clear.",
"sig": "0xe6d153ceda376a36a5e66d235670c4501b8bb08bede638df27bb78397565562a4c5263bf00cb14c3683088f9489c453f0661e8f3dabf0f40238901fbde573e4a1c",
  "version": "2" (责任编辑:admin)

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