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时间:2021-03-12 17:37来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
What’s the comparable scarcity of bitcoin? The current block reward is 6.25 bitcoin, which translates to about 900 new bitcoins every day, or 328,500 per year. Given 18.6 million bitcoins in existen

What’s the comparable scarcity of bitcoin? The current block reward is 6.25 bitcoin, which translates to about 900 new bitcoins every day, or 328,500 per year. Given 18.6 million bitcoins in existence, the stock-to-flow is currently approximately 56, which is on par with gold. But after the next halving, which will happen during the spring of 2024, the stock will be higher and the flow will be lower, so stock-to-flow will be more than double that of gold: Bitcoin will be much scarcer than our scarcest commodity.


The estimated CO2 emission for producing new gold is more than 100 million tons per year. Estimates vary, but recent studies put Bitcoin’s around 30 million tons annually. That’s less than one third of gold’s CO2 emissions. And as renewables increase in the mix, Bitcoin’s CO2 emission intensity should drop significantly. Note that this is still disregarding the cost of refining and storing gold, as well as the negative impact land excavation in less compliant regions of the world has on both people and the environment.

然后咱再来唠唠坏境成本的问题。目前黄金生产每年要排放大约1亿吨的二氧化碳。 而比特币大概为3000万吨, 不到黄金的三分之一。 最重要的是,比特币对能源不挑。就是供着一些电脑嘛,天时地利啥的咱都能凑合,太阳能风能都没差,所以比特币造出来的二氧化碳估计还能在降一降。另外黄金这玩意,挖出来了咱还得提炼,还得找个靠得住的地方存着,另外挖完了还得给矿区,给当地的环境擦屁股,这些事你想想多烧钱,得多排多少气。比特币就完全没有这些破事。

That leaves the most optimistic scenario for bitcoin. The one that gets us excited. Where Bitcoin’s ability to verify transactions between two parties without a trusted third party is used to build an ecosystem of applications.


We are already exploring Blockstream’s Liquid and Elements products for industrial applications: foreign exchange, cash management, trade settlements, emission verifications. But these are merely the obvious ones. The broader potential? Economic access for the unbanked through saving, spending, and lending services. Micropayments. Ownership of private data. Technology that can disrupt compliance, which is now more than ten percent of bank employees and increasing. With the added benefit of improved security and near-instant settlement. (责任编辑:admin)

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