Scarcity drives prices, whether we talk about watches or guitars, wine or cars, paintings or sculptures—all physical assets. Making digital assets used to mean it could be copied for free. Not anymore. Bitcoin can be verified, divided, re-assembled, stored, and transported at virtually no cost. It’s the perfect scarce digital asset. By design. All that’s required to keep the network running, is allocating the cheapest electricity in the world. Electricity secures the network. No trusted parties or people with guns are needed. I call that progress. 中国人有句老话,叫物以稀为贵。手表,吉他,葡萄酒,汽车,绘画或雕塑,这些玩意就是越稀有越值钱。以前咱也有数字资产,比如网上的照片啊啥的,但它是可以无限复制的,不存在稀缺性。但比特币不是这么玩的,每一枚比特币都是可以被验证的,是只存在于比特币网络的不可以复制的数字资产。它可以以极低的成本(浮动的个位数的美金)被验证,划分(类似于切割黄金),重新组装(类比于碎金子熔到一起),存储和运输。这些特点通过程序控制,不受任何个体支配,通过分散在地球的各个角落的廉价电力维持。你品,你细品,这就叫后浪,有比特币你还用得着黄金? (责任编辑:admin) |