割不到他们咱心里老是惦记。但我想这些人开不了银行账户但多少可以用的起手机和互联网吧。那不就得了,有这个在,比特币就能割,正好弥补银行的空白。真是好大一片蓝海。 One hundred years ago, in the Roaring Twenties, the young Howard Hughes produced Hell’s Angels, a World War I epic famous for its spectacular aerial battle scenes. (It was originally conceived as a silent starring Greta Nissen, a Norwegian actress who was replaced due to her accent when Hughes decided the movie was going to have dialogue.) The war scenes were filmed in California and one problem kept delaying and increasing the production cost: the lack of clouds meant perspective was lost and so the planes appeared slow in the skies. Signs were put up that said “War Postponed—No Clouds Today!” The reference point matters for your perspective. 老爷子举这么个例子是想说站得高才能看得远?不对的话,请大神们上来补刀。 Progress is inevitable 后浪是挡不住滴 Let me tell you a story about progress. In the early nineties, I was on holiday in Spain and both wanted and needed access to the daily fishing reports that I was used to getting by fax from the vessels in Alaska. To my great surprise the local electronic stores didn’t sell fax machines. But lo and behold, I found a hairdresser in Marbella who owned one for reasons I still can’t imagine. He was not an eager seller, but I was a persistent buyer. I bought it from him and paid a silly price to get the information I needed. I saw him at the bar that night, enthusiastically laughing and drinking with his friends—there was no doubt he was a happy seller that day. Smart phones were still fifteen years off. Progress is obvious after the fact. 90年代我去西班牙度假,想搞个传真机,结果发现这地儿居然买不到。但神奇的是,我居然在附近的一个理发店看到了。我一上头花了高价硬给买下来了,我感觉那个理发店老板应该乐疯了。你在瞅瞅现在,智能手机遍地开花,但其实它也就存在了不到十五年。 所以说进步是显而易见的。 At the end of the Second World War, world leaders agreed that all currencies could be exchanged at a fixed rate to U.S. dollars, and dollars would be redeemable for a certain weight of gold. The dollar became the world’s reserve currency, replacing the British sterling, which once replaced the French livre. For 6,000 years, gold had been the most reliable store of value. As we saw for real estate, the price of various goods and assets don’t change as much when measured in gold as opposed to fiat currency. 二战以后,美国佬忽悠大伙一起用美元,把美元跟黄金勾搭上。没办法,谁让老大哥英国给元首打残了呢,再说呢,英镑以前的地位也是从法国人手里抢过来的。还是得手里有枪,抢钱才有底气。这么多年了,黄金还是最香的储值货币。你瞅瞅你的房子还有各种七七八八吃的用的,一直在美元的世界里通胀,在黄金的世界里保持完美身材。 (责任编辑:admin) |