On the shoulders of giants (站在巨人的肩膀上) Aker’s decision to enter Bitcoin through Seetee is the result of a long and fundamental discussion about value. I have been drinking from the fire hose since last summer. While this letter is my way of expressing my thoughts on the matter, my insights are largely derived from reading articles and books, listening to podcasts and watching videos, as well as conversations with people around me. 打了很久的嘴仗,聊了不少赚钱的门道,我们最后想通了,让Aker把Seetee做起来,把比特币买起来。自去年夏天以来,我一直在给自己狂洗脑。 看了一堆书,听了一堆播客视频,跟周围的好基友聊了一遭,所以我写了这封信总结一下。 Our collective knowledge was derived from the extensive and brilliant material produced by others. These include Saifedean Ammous, Andreas Antonopolous, Adam Back, Nic Carter, Christopher Cole, Ray Dalio, Michael Green, Hugh Hendry, Reid Hoffman, Lacy Hunt, Jack Mallers, Raoul Pal, Chamath Palihapitiya, Anthony Pompliano, Pierre Rochard, Michael Saylor, Elisabeth Stark, Erik Townsend, and Grant Williams. 下面是跟我唠过磕的亿万富翁天团,就问你信不信。来来来我给大家点个名:赛义德·阿米斯(Saifedian Ammous),安德里亚斯·安东尼奥(Andreas Antonopolous),亚当·贝克(Nic Carter),克里斯托弗·科尔,雷·达利奥(Ray Dalio),迈克尔·格林(Michael Green),休·亨德里(Hugh Hendry),里德·霍曼(Reid Ho ff man),蕾丝·亨特(Lacy Hunt),杰克·马勒斯(Jack Mallers),拉乌尔·帕尔(Chamath Palihapitiya),安东尼·庞普里亚诺(Anthony Pompliano),皮埃尔·罗查德(Michael Rosard),迈克尔·塞勒(Michael Saylor), 伊丽莎白·史塔克(Elisabeth Stark),埃里克·汤森(Erik Townsend)和格兰特·威廉姆斯(Grant Williams) Some of the people mentioned above are not believers in Bitcoin or in agreement with our investment thesis. We like to dive into competing narratives, and mention them here in case the reader wants to dive into the proverbial rabbit hole. It’s amazing to see that the cryptocurrency space attracts so many intelligent people of younger generations much like the internet did when it was in its infancy. 上面的大哥们也有一些不相信比特币的,跟我们不对付的,但是我的提一下他们,免得大家说我们肚量太小。但其实他们不重要,重要的是有很多又年轻又聪明的人在币圈玩,因为当年互联网就是这么个情况。 While precursors existed earlier, most would agree that Tim Berners- Lee’s world wide web from 1990 was the start of what we recognise as the internet. Today, we take it for granted, but it has only been around for thirty years and the development has accelerated. Commentary on the internet’s lack of useful applications, and expert forecasts about its likely demise were frequent in the 1990s. Bitcoin was invented in 2009 and will go through waves of development before it achieves the application maturity that we are now used to on the internet. (责任编辑:admin) |