1990年,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners- Lee)搞了www,这算是公认的互联网的开始。今天我们觉得互联网是个好东西,但是其实它也就存在了30年而已,还很年轻。其实当年90年的时候,一堆人说它没鸟用,说它要不了几年就会玩完。比特币是2009年发明的,它就像90年的互联网,等它发展好了,就没人哔哔了。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~我是分隔线 一更 It"s a testament of our times that the internet has given many of us instant access to information. But the real value comes when we let our curiosity navigate beyond the algorithms for recommended content. You can only challenge preconceived ideas when you are willing to go outside of your comfort zone. Bitcoin has inspired us to challenge our intuitive understanding of money.有了互联网,我们想看啥马上能看到,但是我们的好奇心比算法还牛逼。人最怕的就是先入为主,最难的就是走出舒适圈。想想钱这个玩意,你懂吗?你肯定觉得你懂,但是有了比特币,我才知道我不懂。Having followed the cryptocurrency discourse for a while, we decided to reach out to the engineers who made it their mission to change the inner workings of money more than two decades ago. This morning, we also proudly announced that Seetee has formed a partnership with Blockstream, a global leader in Bitcoin and blockchain technology. Block- stream’s leadership includes Adam Back, the inventor of Hashcash, a 1997 precursor to Bitcoin. With Blockstream as our partner, we are confident that we can navigate this industry.听了一堆人瞎哔哔比特币以后,我想我还是得找发明区块链的这些攻城狮聊聊,所以我们找上了比特币和区块链技术的猿佬Blockstream带我们一起玩。Blockstream里有Adam Back大佬,比特币的地基Hashcash就是他打的。所以你瞅瞅我们玩比特币的决心和魄力有多大。Not investing is the riskiest decision (不玩比特币才是最大的风险)Risk is not an obvious concept. What’s commonly considered risky is frequently not. And vice versa. We are used to thinking that cash is risk free. But it’s not. It’s implicitly taxed by inflation at a small rate every year. It adds up.你以为你懂风险,其实你不懂。有些事你觉得有风险,其实没有。比特币这玩意,你觉得你不玩就没风险?那可未必。想想现金,你是不是觉得没啥风险?非也非也,其实每年你的现金都要被偷偷割一波的,而且年复一年不会停,它还有个好听的名字,通胀。Central bankers have magically agreed that they should target two percent inflation, which implies that one third of your money’s worth is taxed away every twenty years. If it was three percent, almost half of it would be gone in that time. Now you should ask, why is it two, and not one or three? What’s special about two percent?央行也是脸皮厚,高调宣布每年只割大家不超过2%,但是你仔细想想,过个二十年,你这点钱就只剩下67%了。要是3%,那一半就没了,狠不狠? 那为啥是2%?为啥不是1%或者3%?2%牛逼在哪里?The Federal Reserve has recently said it will target an average rate of two percent over time, which implies they will allow inflation to run above the target for some years. Inflation is very good for debtors. And the U.S. is the world’s largest debtor. They owe the bond owners. And they owe pensions. Both groups may be out of luck in the long term.美联储最近说了,后面这几年平均利率定在2%左右,这啥意思?这意思是镰刀将要割的比2%还要狠。还是老美会玩,发债券,借养老金,借一堆钱自己爽,这些拿着债券和养老金的兄弟们可得长点心了。One way to demonstrate this effect is to price real estate in gold. The Schiller Case Home Price Index is the leading measure of U.S. residential real estate prices. Measured in gold, home prices in the U.S. are among the lowest they have been in the last hundred years4. In 2004, Norges Bank sold its last gold reserves citing poor historical returns. Apartments in the wealthiest part of Oslo are 35 percent cheaper today than they were in 2004 if priced in gold. And most would say real estate returns have been spectacular in that period.为啥咱们说通胀是现金的镰刀呢?咱来说说黄金和房价。如果你要是拿黄金来买房子,那美国的房价目前是近一百年来最便宜的。04年挪威银行把家里压箱底的最后那点金子都打包处理了,说这玩意不赚钱。我了个大擦啊,会不会算啊,你拿这个金子去买房子啊,其它不说,咱奥斯陆这块,最好地段的筒子楼,用金子买的话,今天的价格比04年还打了个65折。艾玛,一群呆头鹅,说现在房子涨价了,俺们赚钱了,不知道手里的钞票贬值了嘛。So what’s risk? It’s all relative. (啥是风险?这得看你怎么看了)In 2018, Twitter hashtag #GetOffZero started to circulate. The main argument: it may be irresponsible not to include some exposure to bitcoin given the asymmetric return properties. Even if you don’t get the underlying cypherpunk and libertarian ideals, which I find most interesting, you still need to consider the potential diversification benefits of bitcoin: “Schmuck insurance” in the words of Social Capital’s Chamath Palihapitiya.18年一群人在twitter上热聊,说比特币这么赚钱,你不买点对得起自己吗?你可以不懂极客,不懂我最爱的理想主义和自由主义,但你别跟钱过不去啊。投资大佬Chamath Palihapitiya都说了,买点比特币吧,兄die,这玩意叫懒人保险,躺着也赚钱。 (责任编辑:admin) |