Blockstream已经在玩一些传统的金融产业了,外汇,现金管理,贸易结算,发行验证。但是就这?那也太小看咱们的野心了。咱现在琢磨的是,要让那些开不了银行账户的人也能玩金融,要让大家伙都能对自己的私人数据有所有权,都能用微额付款的技术。偷偷的说,咱也在关注逃避监管的技术手段,别笑,超过10%的银行雇员都在偷偷用。还有就是用比特币做买卖,更安全,也更高效。(即时结算) We obviously can’t know how this will play out. Many technologies will compete to solve these challenges. But we do know that many applications are too important to leave the verification to centralized systems owned by a corporation or controlled by a single country. 饼画的有点大,其实咱现在也不知道怎么弄,但是现在很多新的技术已经在尝试解决这些问题了,而且竞争还很激烈。但是毋庸置疑的一点是,这些技术太太太重要了,咱不能把这些技术给一个人,一个公司,或者一个国家给控制了,咱必须通过去中心化的方式发展这些技术。(很简单的一个例子,robinhood拔网线阻止散户们买gamestop的股票,所以咱需要去中心化交易所这样的技术) So what about the electricity consumption in the scenario that we are most excited about? Clearly, the protocol is designed to cut the rewards in half every four years or so. Miners will only expend the electricity if it remains profitable. 18.6 million of the maximum 21 million bitcoin exists today. So at the end of this year, 90 percent of the bitcoin is already in existence and paid for. Nine tenths of the infrastructure is there. Since the block reward goes down significantly over time, the miners would be willing to expend less electricity all things equal. Either the variable transaction fees or the price of bitcoin have to increase substantially to compensate the miners. Since the block reward will approach zero, fees are the only viable long-term compensation mechanism. Since the transaction volume cannot increase given Bitcoin’s design, fee increases imply that the value of single transactions must be substantially higher than today. Presumably, that’s only possible if every transaction on the mainchain always involves very large amounts. Billions of smaller transactions would have to execute with acceptable security in second layers and sidechains. Again, all of this is only commercially and economically viable if the value of verifying large transactions without a trusted third party is sufficiently high. This implies high demand for the network’s architecture, which again means that useful applications that create tremendous value have been built on top of the core network. Bitcoin can therefore only survive, and electricity will only be consumed, if the value created by the network is sufficient. 那这种终极进化的场景下,比特币有多烧电呢?来来来,咱从技术上好好唠唠。。。(以下省略500字,没知识背景的请自行谷歌。)总之吧,只要比特币能解决大买卖(亿级别的)的信任问题,踢掉中介,并且安全可靠,你想想这里面多大的价值,你还惦记着那点电费?出息。 (责任编辑:admin) |